Team comes in for a group huddle.


Group Volunteer Form

Contact Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Confidentiality: Any information provided about the client(s) of Hope Center is to be kept in the strictest of confidences. None of the information exchanged about individuals, organizations, or client cases will be discussed or shared outside of official responsibilities with Hope Center.

Photo Release: I understand that promotional pictures (individual and group) may be taken and I give permission for my picture and/or my son’s/daughter’s picture to be used for promotional materials (newsletter, web page, calendars, powerpoint, etc.). All photos and copyrights belong to Hope Center.

Medical Release: I authorize treatment by a licensed medical physician or licensed medical team in case of an accident or illness on Hope Center property. I would like to be notified before the hospital personnel does any additional treatment. I understand that any expense occurred will be my responsibility.

Consent & Liability: I agree to release The Hope Center, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, consultants, and all sponsors and/or officials and staff of any said entity or person, their representatives, agents, affiliates, directors, servants, volunteers, and employees (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Parties Released”) from the cost of any medical care that I receive while volunteering or as a result of it. I further agree to waive, release, and discharge the Parties Released from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions whatsoever, for any loss, claim, damage, injury, illness, attorney’s fees or harm of any kind or nature to me arising out of any and all activities associated with volunteering or as a result of it.


By signing below you agree to follow the guidelines in this Code of Conduct as a condition of providing services to the Hope Center.

  • Work your shift as scheduled or call to inform management of unavailability.
  • Dress code is modest business casual work clothes.
    • No Yoga/Stretch Pants.
    • No open-toed shoes.
    • No “statement” clothing or jewelry. Questions go to the Operations Manager.
  • Vests and name tags are provided and required when working.
  • Upon arrival for your shift, clock in. Clock out for lunchtime.
  • No consumption of food or drink other than breaks and lunch times.
  • Lockers are provided for personal use. Bring your own lock.
  • No shopping during your shift. Before, after, and breaks are fine.
  • 20% discount is given to all workers.
  • Items cannot be taken without payment (stealing) or for personal gain (scamming).
  • Workers are not allowed to make deals with friends or customers. Send them to management.
  • Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner, polite and courteous.
  • Treat customers, staff and other volunteers with respect and consideration.
  • Harassment, sexual or related to race, religion, gender, national origin, medical conditions or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
  • No Cell phones or music players use while on shift. Request special permission for necessary phone calls from managers.
  • Keep the number of personal visitors to a minimum during your shift.
  • Possession of or being under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug is prohibited. We retain the right to random drug testing.
  • Tobacco products are permitted only in the designated area.
  • Weapons, including pocket knives are not allowed on the premises.
  • Use of profanity is prohibited.
Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct is grounds for removal.
On Behalf of the Whole Group Please Sign Agreeing that you Understand and Agree to the Above Wavers.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.